Wednesday 18 February 2015

Ash Wednesday...... Remember

every night we lay down on stone, with the weight of the day, but we are never out of God's presence
 and that puts us in a community as God does not live alone.
Acrylic on wood
18 x 18
contact me  to purchase:

This quote from Fr. Ron Rolheiser reflecting on the reality of our longing and our struggle.......
A non-negotiable part of meeting Jesus means being sent out, and not just alone on some private spiritual quest or individualized ministry. It means being called into community, into a church, and then sent out with others, “in pairs”, to, as Nikos Kazantzakis poetically puts it, “walk in Christ’s bloody footsteps”, that is, to walk inside of mess and failure, misunderstanding and crucifixion, confusion and tiredness, darkness and God’s seeming silence, wondering sometimes if you will indeed find a stone upon which to lay your head.

Saturday 14 February 2015

St. Valentine's Day

Heart to Heart
18" x 18"
Acrylic, fabric, gold leaf on board
to purchase inquire at: